Papillomas of the penis: causes

Human papillomavirus (HPV) manifests itself in the body with various illnesses, depending on the type and location. It can remain in a latent condition for a long time without causing disease, and then, for no reason, appear in the form of various growths on the skin or mucous membranes.

Papillomas of the penis: causes Papillomas of the penis

Papillomas, condylomas or warts may be benign, but there is a risk that altered epithelial cells can deteriorate into cancerous cells. Therefore, if papillomas have developed on the penis, you should consult a doctor immediately to diagnose and treat the disease in a timely manner.


It is a large group of endogenous pathogenic microorganisms containing DNA, divided into twenty-seven species, five families and more than one hundred strains.

They are also distinguished by the degree of malignancy risk (oncogenic properties). According to statistics, more than ninety percent of adults are affected by these viruses. Papillomaviruses are present and only develop within the human body. They are more likely to be transmitted through sex than other viruses. HPVs do not have a shell, but they have exceptional vitality and can exist in the external environment for some time. Pathogenic microorganisms are localized in the basal layer of the skin or mucous membranes.

Papillomas on the penis are often caused by a group of viruses that can rapidly stimulate the process of malignancy. In this regard, they are often called a precancerous condition or the first step towards the development of oncology. In this case, doctors can prescribe the drug Helixor to the patient.

What are

Genital papilloma is a small neoplasm. Outbreaks appear to be associated with cauliflower, mushrooms or cockscombs. The appearance of pathological growth of the epitheliiam can be seen in the photo. More often they can be seen on the foreskin, frenulum and glans of the penis, less often on the shaft of the penis or scrotum.

  • On the foreskin, you can see genital warts, which are light in color and have a thin stem. Initially, individual elements are found, but as the disease develops, they grow and become like cauliflower.
  • If papillomas on the penis appear in the area of ​​the frenum, then they can be seen as small white pimples, located in several layers.
  • Pale pink outbreaks can be seen on the head of the penis. They show multiple growths, as well as the foreskin.
  • A type of illness caused by HPV on the stock of the genitals, scrotum or groin is a massive Buschke-Levinstein condyloma. It is classified as a precancerous condition, since the altered cells grow rapidly.

Reasons for appearance

Viral agents that cause papillomas of the penis enter the epitheliiam through micro-cracks in the skin or mucous membranes. The main way is sexual contacts of any kind. You can become infected with the papillomavirus virus in a household way, if you use personal hygiene articles, for example, towels of someone infected with HPV. The risk of contracting the virus is high in public places such as baths, swimming pools, showers. The disease-causing agent does not immediately reveal itself.

The latent period can last from several months to a year. Moreover, if a man is healthy and has a high level of immune protection, then the disease may not appear and is simply a carrier of the human virus. The stimulus for the reproduction of the papillomavirus virus and the appearance of papillomas on the penis is a decrease in immunity.

Thus, there are two reasons for the formation of growth on the genital organ:

  • papillomavirus virus infection;
  • Activate
  • HPV, due to impaired immunity.

Factors providing:

  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • lack of contraception when you have sex;
  • chronic diseases in the genitourinary field;
  • hormonal disorders
  • ;
  • AIDS or HIV infection;
  • hypothermia
  • often;
  • viral infections, persistent colds;
  • Long-term
  • intoxication of the body (reception of antibiotics, alcohol consumption, smoking, etc. );
  • Stress
  • , unhealthy diet and similar factors that negatively affect the immune system.
Papillomas of the glans penis: symptoms and diagnosis Masses of HPV on the penis are usually not symptomatic. Often men do not even notice the activity of the papillomavirus virus. Papillomas on the head of the penis can reveal themselves, manifested by itching or burning during intercourse.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

If the pathological formations have grown and noticed, then this may cause discomfort in men due to the non-aesthetic appearance of the penis. Localized papillomas on the head of the penis can cause phimosis, which is accompanied by corresponding symptoms. For oncogenic formations, when the growths reach large sizes, men may complain of saliva in the affected area and fetal odor.


If a man sees suspicious formations on his penny, you should dispel false shame and seek medical help. A urologist performs diagnostic measures to identify papilloma on the head of the penis. It carefully collects anamnesis - interrogates and examines the patient.

In addition to the penis, the doctor examines the scrotum, groin and anal area, that is, those areas where the virus can be localized. If the urologist finds papillomas on a man's penis head, then he arranges tests to determine the type of virus. If the frenulum is affected, a microscope may be needed, which is performed to identify the foci of HPV lesions in the urethra.

Men take a swab from the urethra for cytological examination, which determines the type of viral agent. The presence and type of the virus can be identified with a probability of up to ninety-five percent using the polymerase chain reaction method. Any liquid - blood or urethral material - is suitable as a test medium.

Condylomas of the penis: danger of pathology

As soon as the disease is diagnosed, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Do not self-medicate, as this may not be effective and dangerous. If the disease is left untreated, then non-aesthetic warts on the penis can cause more serious problems.

Why are papillomas on the penis dangerous?

Why papillomas are dangerous
  1. At the first stage of papilloma development, phimosis may occur, which is characterized by the fusion of the foreskin with the head of the penis. If this condition is not treated, the following complication occurs, due to the accumulation of smegma in the space between the head and the foreskin.
  2. Inflammation of the head and body of the penis, due to the entry of pathogenic bacteria under the inner sheets of the foreskin.
  3. The appearance of corrosive defects on the head and foreskin, the degradation of epithelial cells changed into cancerous ones.

Why they are dangerous for a woman

A man with papillomas on the genitals becomes, in the first place, a source of infection for a woman. If the papillomavirus has entered the female genitals, then, as a rule, it is very difficult to notice its activity at the initial stage of the disease. Oncogenic types of viruses are especially dangerous, as they cause cervical cancer. Unless a woman has a preventative examination, oncology is already detected in the late stages of cancer development.

How to rebuild into cancer

At the beginning of papilloma development, individual benign neoplasms appear. They then multiply in number and merge with each other, creating a single conglomerate. If the disease is not treated, then over time, the altered cells can degenerate into malignant cells. The risk of declining cancer education increases by ten if the type of virus is oncobic.

Therefore, it is very important to undergo diagnosis of the disease in a medical institution. The most common oncobic HPV causing genital warts is the sixteenth or eighteenth century type. They cause cancer of the penis, cervix and bladder.

How to get rid of papillomas on the penis: treatment and prevention

Since immunity decreases before the appearance of pathological growths on the genitals, treatment should be complex. The growths themselves are removed by surgery, or by caution. Medications that contain a component that inhibits the development and reproduction of viral agents, for example, Viferon, Acyclovir, Epigen-intim and similar drugs, help to fight viruses.

In addition to antiviral therapy with medications, the doctor prescribes immunomodulators, vitamin complexes and makes recommendations for healthy eating and lifestyle. It is important to identify and eliminate all the factors that caused the activation of the virus. Therefore, before you decide on how to get rid of papillomas on the penis, you should undergo a thorough examination of your health.


Genital growth does not go away on its own, so radical treatment is needed to get rid of them. There are various methods to remove unpleasant growths.

  • Laser Removal. Papillomas melt with a laser beam, and are replaced by a crust, which naturally disappears after two weeks.
  • Cryodestruction. Neoplasms are chauterized with liquid nitrogen. Also, as in the first case, a crust remains, which disappears after a while without a trace.
  • Radzurgery. The papilloma is affected by radio waves. The method is considered to be the most accurate, safe and does not create complications.
  • Electrocoagulation. Growth is eliminated by an electric current applied at a certain frequency. This method of removal can cause complications in the form of tissue scarring.
  • Chemical disposal. The method is to warn of papilloma with medical solutions: Condolin or Solkoderm. The drugs are administered by healthcare professionals. After a course of treatment, neoplasms dry out and disappear.
  • Treatment with Ointments. If the growths are small, you can use ointment to remove them. Oxolinic ointment or drug Aldara will help treat papillomavirus virus.
The doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, decides

How to get rid of papillomas on the penis, by implantation or with the help of drugs. The procedures do not require anesthesia to get rid of neoplasms and give a positive result in ninety-five percent of cases. Sometimes relapses occur in the same place.

Unconventional methods

The answer to the question of how to get rid of papillomas on the penis can be found in traditional medicine recipes. It should be borne in mind that the use of these methods must be agreed with the attending physician. Otherwise, the treatment may be blunt, time may be lost, leading to complications.

Popular folk recipes:

  • Tea tree oil rubbed into the affected area daily will help get rid of the collection, until the wart disappears;
  • Good results
  • can be achieved in the treatment if propolis is applied to the papilloma;
  • is ​​the simplest way to lubricate the neoplasms with egg white;
  • Vinegar
  • will help get rid of papillomas, which must be carefully guarded against the growth once a day;
  • you can get rid of small formations with the help of berry juice (lubricate);
  • Be careful when applying ammonia lotions, as it can burn thin skin.

These recipes will help get rid of newly appeared neoplasms that have not had time to grow. If the papilloma is already formed and protrudes strongly above the skin, then it must be removed using radical methods.


The safest ways to eradicate a dangerous unpleasant disease are protected sex and good personal hygiene. If these conditions are violated, preventive measures should be directed to maintain an adequate level of immunity so that the virus does not show activity in the body.

You can have a positive effect on immunity if you cure chronic diseases, if you eat properly, if you play sports, if you alleviate and treat infectious diseases in time. It is important to give up bad habits that lead to intoxication of the body. In order to prevent papillomas from causing complications, men must regularly visit a urologist to identify the initial signs of the disease.